Saturday, June 9, 2012

Motorcycle Parking

  In Pattaya motorbikes are King.   They are everywhere and they wait for no one.   If there is a traffic jam (and there is one every evening) then motorbikes weave their way between the cars, trucks and buses.  They are like  sharks, they must keep moving of they die.

  But parking them can be a problem especially in places where space is at a premium like in the covered parking area for a condo.     Here is when the lazy selfish nature of human beings shows itself.  I've got many examples to post (and I will post) but here is just one.   In this area there is plenty of room for the motorbikes to park straight in.  Instead people are lazy and just park at an angle.   As a result 9 premium parking spaces are reduced to 6 (33% loss in space).

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